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Unlocking the Magic of Pandas: A Developer's Love Story


Pandas is one of these projects that you can only feel in love. Even if you're not accustomed to working extensively with data, Pandas offers a plethora of advantages:

Today, a friend from the council called me asking if there was a way to obtain a map for a grant the council received for FTTH deployment. More information on this topic can be found in another post I've written.

The information was stored in geodatabase format, and I needed to parse and extract some data from it. It turned out to be as simple as:

In [1]: import geopandas as gpd

In [2]: data = gpd.read_file('ZonasElegibles_2023.gdb')

In [3]: print(data.iloc[0])
CCOM                                                                          16
Comunidad_Autonoma                                            País Vasco/Euskadi
CPROV                                                                         01
Provincia                                                            Araba/Álava
CODINE                                                                     01001
Municipio                                                       Alegría-Dulantzi
Unidades_Inmobiliarias_Zona                                                  1.0
Viviendas_Zona                                                               0.0
CodZona                                                  01001000000-2023-000018
Shape_Length                                                         2094.039244
Shape_Area                                                          99287.285169
geometry                       MULTIPOLYGON Z (((537793.2750000004 4739548.16...
Name: 0, dtype: object

Okay, so we have some polygons in there. I'd like to filter a few of them based on CodZona:

In [4]: desiredCodZonas = [
   ...:     "28001000000-2023-000002",
   ...:     "28001000000-2023-000003"
   ...: ]
   ...: filtered = data[data['CodZona'].isin(desiredCodZonas)]

In [5]: filtered.size
Out[5]: 24

Now that we have our filtered data, just five simple steps! Next, I need to export it in a format suitable for presentation, like GeoJSON, which is supported on GitHub. Let's export it.

While reading the GeoJSON documentation, I noticed that the coordinates should be in EPSG:4326, so we need to transform our dataset:

exported_dataset = filtered.to_crs('EPSG:4326')

The final step is to serialize it as GeoJSON:

In [7]: exported_dataset.to_file("/tmp/myMap.json", driver='GeoJSON')

In just seven steps, and fourty minutes, you can filter a geodatabase effortlessly, even in a format you're unfamiliar with. It's just incredible how easy it is to accomplish tasks with Pandas!


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