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Optimizing Python Development: Virtualenv Kernels with Nix and Jupyter


Over the past few weeks, I have been immersing myself in mathematics and physics, while also exploring the latest advancements in GPU technologies and the broader world of computing. However, working with Python packages can be a bit challenging when your operating system and configuration are based on Nix.

JupyterLab is a nice tool. Having the ability to run code interactively is incredibly useful, especially when working on algorithms. The most problematic issue is installing any dependency, normally, Python projects use pip or conda, dealing with packages in Nix can be time consuming.

Jupyter supports various kernels, so I started exploring the idea of installing a new virtualenv kernel directly into Jupyter which I can install packages using pip. The key issue here is around shared libraries in Python, prompting me to create the following script.


echo "Creating venv $1"

if test -d "$VENV_FOLDER"; then
    echo "${VENV_FOLDER} is already created"
    nix shell github:GuillaumeDesforges/fix-python --command fix-python --venv $VENV_FOLDER
    exit 0
echo "creating venv $1 on folder $VENV_FOLDER"
virtualenv $VENV_FOLDER
$VENV_FOLDER/bin/pip install ipykernel

nix shell github:GuillaumeDesforges/fix-python --command fix-python --venv $VENV_FOLDER
$VENV_FOLDER/bin/python -m ipykernel install --prefix=$HOME/.local/share --name "venv-$1"
jupyter kernelspec install --user $HOME/.local/share/share/jupyter/kernels/venv-$1

The central concept:

  1. Maintain all virtualenvs within a custom folder.
  2. For existing venvs, focus on fixing the Python shared libraries.
  3. For new virtualenv:
    1. Create a new virtualenv.
    2. Install ipykernel for Jupyter compatibility.
    3. Resolve Python shared library dependencies.
    4. Configure the kernel.
    5. Register the new kernel for user access.

Finally, while this approach may not be ideal, it has enabled me to pragmatically test new Python libraries without investing excessive time. Once a solution is refined and ready, I typically transition it to a custom Flake for more robust integration and management over time.


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