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My review of Hashiconf Europe 16


Few days ago I was in Amsterdam, in the lovely Hashiconf EU. This conference fulfilled all my expectations about hashi tools and the devops world. The conference was organized by Xebia with the help of Hashicorp and it was awesome, everything was great: venue, sound, food, talks and the party!

Hashiconf Europe 2016

Let me explain why I went to this conference; the main reason is that nowadays I'm doing a lot of devops, the vision of Hashicorp is very similar to my ideas/problems so I'm learning a lot from them. In the other hand a lot of talks were case studies from companies, so I learnt from other people's problems.

The conference started with Mitchell Hashimoto's keynote, and I want to emphasize the following points:

Related with Nomad, they did a good improvement release, nomad plan is a boost to the project and being able to run 1M containers in less than 300 seconds is a good selling point. Also, he announced that Vektra joins Hashicorp and they are going to release a new log management tool called Current.

The second keynote was from Nicki Watt from the London based OpenCredo. I loved this talk! Real problem was described from start and solutions were explained with the proper balance between code and theory. The integration and workflow between Terraform, Vault, Cloudinit gave me good insights for our infrastructure. In the other hand I got the following quote, that is great:

The only thing constant in life is change -- François de la Rochefoucauld

One of the topics that I was more interested was Nomad. A good review was given by Diptanu, he has a lot of experience in schedulers. In my opinion all schedulers will be a good trend to follow, and all related with the microservices. Some keypoints about it:

Hashiconf Europe 2016

Vault was another hot topic in the conference. This secret manager is great and the following uses are marvelous for all the companies:

A lot of people use Vault on production environments, so I'll give a try soon. If you want to see an example, this is a good repository to start.

Day two started with Anne Currie keynote, it was awesome talk. The way how I think about resource efficiency was changed after I heard this keynote. She went into details around container/server metadata, lavel-schema.org and microbadger.com was introduced by her to all of us.

Packer was mentioned in almost all the talks. OS Hardening using packer was presented by Xebia, they introduced a lot of security related tools, as for example ansible-lockdown. Faster and reliable deploys was explained by Vik Bhatti from Beamly, for me, it was one of the best talks in the conference, I must insight the following:

Day two finished with Nomad Demo by Kelsey Hightower, live coding terraform provider and the final keynote about security from nuna.com <https://www.nuna.com/>__.

I need to say big thanks to all the people that I spoke with and thanks to Jana, Hashicorp and Xevia for organized this awesome conference.

Finally, there are few things that I think should be improved so I will write them down here just in case it could be helpful:

This was my summary about Hashiconf EU2016. Thanks for reading!

Hashiconf Europe 2016

PS: All photos are from Hashicorp flickr page

PS2: Videos are now online


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